
Bükfürdő a composed holidaymaker that of zonal part's from the medical bath Csabai Apartmanlakás posturing onto 250 metre on main road , and by rail with the help of nearness of Vienna by flying man in the same way he is under one's hand . We would like to help with with putting on of the traffic facilities , so that at simpler he reaches to us .

I ask it on answer from the following facilities : Car  |  Bus  |  Train |  Airplane

By car:

From inland:

a)      From Budapest (Gyõr) :
Budapest (M1) - Enese (M1®85) - Csorna (85®86) -Répcelak (86) - Hegyfalu (86®84) - Tompaládony (turn right in the village) -Bükfürdő

b)      From Székesfehérvár (Veszprém) :
Székesfehérvár (8th Str.) -Várpalota (8) - Veszprém (8) - Herend (8) - Ajka-Bakonygyepes (8) - Devecser (8) - Jánosháza (8®84) -Sárvár (84) - Tompaládony (turn right in the village) -Bükfürdő

c)      From Pécs :
Pécs (6th Str.) - Szigetvár (6®67) - Kaposvár (67®61) - Böhönye (61®68) - Marcali (68) - Balatonszentgyörgy (68®71) -Keszthely (71) - Balatonederics (71®84) -Sümeg (84) -Sárvár (84) - Tompaládony (turn right in the village) -Bükfürdő

From Austria:

a)      From Bécs :
Bécs (A3) - Klingenbach/Sopron (84) -Nagycenk (84) - Sajtoskál ( tunr right in the AGIP gas-station) - Bükfürdõ

b)      From Graz :
Graz (A2) - Heiligenkreuz/Rábafüzes(8) - Körmend (8®86) - Szombathely (86) - Hegyfalu (86®84) - Sajtoskál ( tunr right in the AGIP gas-station) - Bükfürdõ

From Slovakia :
Pozsony (D2) - Rusovce/Rajka (D2®15) - Mosonmagyaróvár (15®86) -  Csorna (86) - Répcelak (86) - Hegyfalu (86®84) - Tompaládony (turn right in the village) -Bükfürdő

From Slovenia :
Dolga vas/Rédics (86th Str.) -Zalalövõ (86) - Körmend (86) - Szombathely (86) - Hegyfalu (86®84) - Tompaládony (turn right in the village) -Bükfürdő

Further route facilities of planning for motorists :

By Bus:

Bükfürdő is lying in a through connection an international bus-terminals :
with three capitals : Budapest , Vienna , Pozsony ;
with three regional centers : Győr , Szeged , or Graz ( Austria ;)
with three towns : Szombathely , Veszprém , Tatabánya ;
with seven miscellaneous towns : Keszthely , Körmend , Kőszeg , Lenti , Oberpullendorf ( Austria ,) Sárvár , Vasvár .

The current bus from timetables further reference work the homepage. 

Further route facilities of planning are by bus for person arrivings :

By Train:

The Sopron-Szombathely Bük is stationing next to line , what in 2001 the Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurt Vasút Corp. . ( GySEV ) he received the Magyar Államvasutak ( MÁV ,) who since then he bent a significant capital outlays finally . an A complete lengthwise reconstructed and on electrified main line an European of a level convenience and the swiftness . Sopron-Szombathely with on a scale hourly density they go the mountings , even an individual trains in both directions also they run further ( pl.:Sopron-Wiener Neustadt-Wien-Südbahnhof , or Szombathely-Szentgotthárd-Graz .)

An international Intercity also touches Bük : the Corvinus is IC , which connects Vienna with Pécs .

Travellers arriving from farther draw a bead on Szombathely , and they get to Bük with an changing trains of that place after hardly 20 running time of minute !

From the timetables further information on the GySEV Corp. . and the MÁV Corp.' . websites ( , or 

Further timetable websites of a railway :

By Airplane

Bük because of nearness of the Viennese airport by flying man also within reach . from flyers landing in A Vienna his fast trains mountings ( on City Airport Trai a CAT ) they proceed to the city centre . On the way they touch it the Wien-Mitte-t , initial terminus to the Bük and Wien-Südbahnhofot , where just he has to change toward the Bük onto communicator train .

from timetable of air-lines from official website of the Viennese airport , the might receive roomier information.